Sunday, January 21, 2007

02_Sunny Sunday For A Blogger

Hello bloggers,

It's Sunday, and the sun is bright. Yes, I'm still building my Pinhole camera, and I've taken some pics. on what I'm doing. The first pic is of a couple of oldtime cameras that I have. The camera on the left is an old Brownie Box camera(c,1900-1901). The camera on the right is a Foldex-20, made by the Pho-Tak Corp. Chicago, Ill., a folding camera, it sports: a 86mm Octvar lens,with a syncronized shutter used around the 1930's, give or take a few years. They both take 620roll flim and may be converted to 120roll film.
When ever, I come across a thrift store in my travels, I'll stop in and see if they have any old cameras for sale.
I'll be going back to these cameras in detail, as I blog-on, it couid happen sooner. if you leave a posted comment. This is an interactive blog, it's all up to the viewers. Refer, to the nimbers: 01,02,03 and so on.
For more information:

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