Thursday, January 25, 2007

10_Camera On A Rock

When using your pinhole camera, with it's long exposures, you can place your camera on a stable platforrm, here, I used a rock. I'm facing into the sun, so, I used fill-in flash.
You can see that the time of day is early morning, the shadows are long, the light is very nice and soft. Great for photos, late afternoon sun will be the same kind of light.
I took a picture, it was a two minute exposure. I walked back to the darkroom to develop the print. This print turned black at the ten second mark,"this SUCKS!". I just spent: half an hour loading with paper, tape the top of the can,walking to a good spot on campus,to take the shot, walk back to the lab, just to get this fucked-up,black print. This pinhole camera stuff is over rated.
I rememeber, making one of these pinhole cameras in grade school and Freshman year in high school photo class, back then it was cool, not so so much now, I have a digital camera,that's cool!
What AssClown, wants to go back to the old days? If I want fuzzy photos, I throw down some Photoshop filters and levels, on their ass.
You don't want to be left behind in todays, HighTech World, "you get in, sit down, shut up, and hang-on, because, your on todays Super Highway". You don't want to be road kill?
I'm waiting to see, if we're going to build a DIGITAL PINHOLE, as stated in the book. That's why some of the students took this class, HighTech.
I reloaded the camera one more time. this time, I took two steps ouside the lab. Placed the camera on the rail and took a thirty-second exposure, I was facing North. I went back into the lab to develop the print. It's looking good this time, two and a half minutes in the soup and I got an image, just then, I heard someone say, "times-up, you'll see the prints next week, Monday". That's in, FIVE MORE DAYS!! Just to see the first stinking photo.
It's lucky, I carry my digital camera with me to get some shots of what I'm doing, with this camera:you see what you just shot, no darkroom, no wasting time,, no messed-up prints. This class should be part of the Basic Photography class. so far, it's like a bad joke, nobody wants to hear. They could have had sample photos, it would have made the class a little interesting. A three minute video on this subject would have gone a long way.
Where are their portfolios, something?
We'll see next week what the print looks like ...

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