Tuesday, January 30, 2007
13_ Two steps out,DVC Art Gallery
Could be the last pic., of the campus with the pinhole camera. The top pict, is the one with the pinhole camera sitting on the rail, I took two steps outside the lab. to take the shot, (10_post) Next pict. is what the paper print negative looks like before,being scan and processed in Photoshop, it was inverted and backwards. The (bottom pict.) is the Positive, black and white print after scanning and Photoshop work.
The last of the pinhole camera stuff, most of the students agree, that we won't be throwing our digital and regular cameras away, just yet.
It looks like 80% of the photos were just a bunch of crap, and not worth taking them home. Most came out: black, messed up, some white, no image. all in all, just a big waste of our time...
12_Sure Your Right, Or...
So! Do you really belive,everythang you read on a BLOG, that we have to write for this jacked-up class? If you do, I have an old Donut, I can sell you. The word, "donut", really mean, what it sounds like, or is it a new Buzz word?
Your still reading this bazarro blog, ain't you. You have nothing else going on in your life, that you just have to read this? Now, get down to the get down.
Last week, 11_Rainy Sunday. I just got the picture back from the lab. As you can see the pict..(botton pict.) "SUCKS!!" big time. What do you want for a pinhole camera.
In it's hay day it was the, "BIG PICKEL" What the HELL!! ! Everybody, wanted a photo of some sort. Just to see their mugshots. It was the email and the web of the times...
Sunday, January 28, 2007
11_ Rain on Sunday
It's raining outside, so, I'll do a quick photo just to get this blog rolling.
I took my tripod and some gaffers tape, stuck the pinhole camera on top and took a thirty second exposure, and hope for the best.
We are in week three of this loser-type class and have not yet seen one fucking photo yet!!
With my Digital camera, I record the set up and got this Sundays blog up on the web, within five minutes, with photo too...
Thursday, January 25, 2007
10_Camera On A Rock
When using your pinhole camera, with it's long exposures, you can place your camera on a stable platforrm, here, I used a rock. I'm facing into the sun, so, I used fill-in flash.
You can see that the time of day is early morning, the shadows are long, the light is very nice and soft. Great for photos, late afternoon sun will be the same kind of light.
I took a picture, it was a two minute exposure. I walked back to the darkroom to develop the print. This print turned black at the ten second mark,"this SUCKS!". I just spent: half an hour loading with paper, tape the top of the can,walking to a good spot on campus,to take the shot, walk back to the lab, just to get this fucked-up,black print. This pinhole camera stuff is over rated.
I rememeber, making one of these pinhole cameras in grade school and Freshman year in high school photo class, back then it was cool, not so so much now, I have a digital camera,that's cool!
What AssClown, wants to go back to the old days? If I want fuzzy photos, I throw down some Photoshop filters and levels, on their ass.
You don't want to be left behind in todays, HighTech World, "you get in, sit down, shut up, and hang-on, because, your on todays Super Highway". You don't want to be road kill?
I'm waiting to see, if we're going to build a DIGITAL PINHOLE, as stated in the book. That's why some of the students took this class, HighTech.
I reloaded the camera one more time. this time, I took two steps ouside the lab. Placed the camera on the rail and took a thirty-second exposure, I was facing North. I went back into the lab to develop the print. It's looking good this time, two and a half minutes in the soup and I got an image, just then, I heard someone say, "times-up, you'll see the prints next week, Monday". That's in, FIVE MORE DAYS!! Just to see the first stinking photo.
It's lucky, I carry my digital camera with me to get some shots of what I'm doing, with this camera:you see what you just shot, no darkroom, no wasting time,, no messed-up prints. This class should be part of the Basic Photography class. so far, it's like a bad joke, nobody wants to hear. They could have had sample photos, it would have made the class a little interesting. A three minute video on this subject would have gone a long way.
Where are their portfolios, something?
We'll see next week what the print looks like ...
Monday, January 22, 2007
Art is where your camera finds it. It can happen at anytime, and any place, you must be ready. You may have heard about Hip Hop, well, this is Lip locking, made popular by teennie boppers.
I was at SF. MOMA, minding my own business when this couple threw down some lip lock, right before my eyeballs.
All of a sudden, my hands draws up on this couple with my digital camera, like a mountian lion on a deer, in a FLASH, got the shot. CLICK!!
So, what has this got to do with pinhole cameras? Hell if I know, you have to ready to take the shot. It could happen any place at anytime, just be ready, snooze you lose...
08_The Brass Is In
07_ Drill And Sand Lens Hole
06_Sweet Succatash!!
Monday, Diablo Valley College, 8am," what was I thinking". I could be home in bed. I gotta get my head checked.
Students working like Beavers,trying to build their pin hole cameras. What needs to be done is drill a hole for the lens opening, 1/4 in. for our pinhole lens. Safety glasses on and away we go, hoping not to drill a hole in our foot. The whine of the drill reminds me of the early dental visits...
Sunday, January 21, 2007
05_Got Parts?
Well, I hope I have all the parts for this pinhole camera. You know what, I don't have a needle to make the hole. Maybe, I can use some nice persons needle in class. I put black tape on the cover of the can because it was white , this would let light thru the plastic top and mess up my photo.
All my photos in the build-up have been shot on a SONY,CyberShot, 5meg., Digital Camera. Then process thru a dry darkroom,(digital computers) Photoshop to clean-up and resize images. It all took a matter of minutes to get photos up on the blog.
I think with the pinhole cameras, we won't see a photo within maybe, two weeks.That's just the first phtoto. So much for the, "good old days"...
Until Later...MC
04_Paper or Paint
For the inside of the camera I'll be using some blackpaper. Make sure that you cut the paper just right.
Don't forget to cut a little for the bottom of the can, just place the can on the paper and cut around the can. I have heard that paint will sometimes, flake on you. I think, I'm just too cheap to spring for paint at this time, maybe, next time. I'll use the wooden box, this will hold paint alot better then a metal can...
03_Building The Camera
02_Sunny Sunday For A Blogger
Hello bloggers,
It's Sunday, and the sun is bright. Yes, I'm still building my Pinhole camera, and I've taken some pics. on what I'm doing. The first pic is of a couple of oldtime cameras that I have. The camera on the left is an old Brownie Box camera(c,1900-1901). The camera on the right is a Foldex-20, made by the Pho-Tak Corp. Chicago, Ill., a folding camera, it sports: a 86mm Octvar lens,with a syncronized shutter used around the 1930's, give or take a few years. They both take 620roll flim and may be converted to 120roll film.
When ever, I come across a thrift store in my travels, I'll stop in and see if they have any old cameras for sale.
I'll be going back to these cameras in detail, as I blog-on, it couid happen sooner. if you leave a posted comment. This is an interactive blog, it's all up to the viewers. Refer, to the nimbers: 01,02,03 and so on.
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Friday, January 19, 2007
01_Nothing Like a Liplock to Start a Blog
Hello Everybody,
I just started two things this week:
1) A class on making a Pinhole Camera.
2) Started making a Blog.
This blog stuff is nice and easy too.
Making a pinhole camera, I'm using a cylinder cookie can from Cost Plus. The cookies were great tasting. I have black paper for the inside walls to keep light rays from over exposing the photopaper we will use as film. This camera was the type used in the old days before film.
I'll be posting photos as I build the camera and maybe, put together a video on the building a Pinhole Camera.
This Blog by ©Mike Monkey Liplock, was shot on a Nikon camera , 300mm lens...
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